This section contains terms and conditions of Use of this website. By accessing this website or any of its pages, you are agreeing to this terms and conditions
1. The information provided here is based on our knowledge, and we do not ask/force you to take market positions in any particular investment. We shall have no responsibility for any loss incurred as a result of services, decisions/actions taken on the market for stock transactions, the information provided here is based on our knowledge, and we do not ask/force you to take market positions in any particular investment. There is no guarantee that this product or service will be returned. Markets are inherently risky and can never be completely eradicated. We can't guarantee the returns either, as per SEBI standards. Our clients (paid or unpaid), any third party, or anyone else has no right to forward or distribute our investment ideas, SMS, Reports, or any other information that we provide to / with anybody who receives it directly or indirectly. If this is discovered, legal action may be taken.
2. We are not responsible for any loss or liability resulting, directly or indirectly, from delays or interruptions caused by electronic or mechanical equipment failures, telephone interconnect problems, defects, or other similar causes.
3. Handling complaints: If you have any issues about our Services, please write us an email: at with a detailed description of your complaint. Within 7 working days, we will accept your complaint and provide an estimated timeframe for resolving the dispute, while keeping you updated on the status. All concerns will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and handled with as quickly as feasible.
Only online or conventional financial channels will be used to pay the fee. There will be no monetary receipts received. The fee is the payment we receive in exchange for our services. Fee is reasonable and fair for you, and we have got your express and implied approval on that issue.
Because earnings and losses in equities are subject to market risk, we are not obligated or liable for your market loss. We are not liable for any future liabilities arising from the Prevention and Money Laundering Act, 2002, or other comparable legislation, regulations, or guidelines
The deposited fee is non-refundable after the service has begun. Knowing your client and risk profiling are both important parts of the process. Our concern is not with the execution of services
Profit sharing, guaranteed profit, Sureshot, Jackpot, and other similar services are never offered by us.
Fundamental studies, technical analysis, and primary market analysis are the foundations of all of our research. It uses a model and procedures to determine which stocks to buy and sell. Even if it has worked in the past, it does not guarantee that it will work all of the time or every time in the future
After activation: After payment of service charges, you have to provide your PAN and other KYC details. Non-co-operation in this process may leads to termination or temporary hold for services.
Account obligations: As a registered member you are responsible for or maintaining the confidentiality of your account and Password and for restricting access to your computer, and you agree to accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your account or Password
Copyrights of information: Design and information contained in this site is valuable property of Sahaj Research and no one can use the same without intimation to us.
Delay in Services: Neither Sahaj Research nor employees shall be liable for any losses or lability resulting directly or indirectly for delays or interruptions due to electronic failure, telephone internet connection problems, weather, strikes, fire, act of God, Riots, War or other like causes.
REFUND & CANCELLATION POLICY: All the transactions done through our website or paid into our bank account are final and it cannot be cancelled. We have No refund and cancellations policy. Before making the payment, you are advised to evaluate our services and make up your mind and then pay the charges. We do not offer refunds on subscriptions that have already been taken.
Read Disclaimers and Disclosures.
Read the refund policy
Do not allow children or other unauthorized family members or friends to access your credit cards or your account at the payment site to ensure that no one pays for a Membership without your permission. By making a payment for Membership to our website, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the above No Refund and No Cancellation Policy